A downloadable letter-writing ttrpg

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[draft version – 07.2019 – look at the devlogs]

This is a writing game in which you’ll write me a letter about an idea you’ll have during the game according to the dice rolls you’ll get and the pictures you’ll see. You can use this as an idea generator. But if you play the game and want to share your idea, please share your letters under an open or creative commons license with at least a draft freely accessible (you can sell your game but consider distributing at least a free “demo” version). Thanks! I should be glad to read your letters.
  • You’ll need 2 six sided dices (2 D6)
  • and something to write on (sheet of paper or document in your computer)

For the moment, this game is an early draft version. I publish it in order to participate in the Never Alone GameJam (solo ttrpg game jam) in time. It's currently playable but it will become more fun and creative with the illustrations ("cards")
angela quidam
angela quidam. I released this draft version for the Never Alone game jam. This is definitely not the final version.
The game will be under the CC-BY-SA licence and illustrations under CC-BY-NC-SA.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Tell-me-why-should-I-choose-your-game_DRAFT.pdf 1.4 MB

Development log


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I see you decided to participate! I'll have to check your game out when I have some time :) Might wait for ya to update a little but I'll add it to my collection of things to come back to at least.


great ! Thanks!

The next update should come in a few days. It will include the illustrations explaining why this game is still part of the "Forest" theme... even if it doesn't look like it!

The following updates will be more functional; i'll try to publish an "almost final" version within one to two weeks


Sounds great! I'll look forward to it :)