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Portes : Joyeux jour de la serviette !

Pour une utilisation optimale de ce document, merci de vous munir d’un dé à 32 faces, d’un jeu de cartes standard de 32 cartes ou bien d'imprimer les cartes fournies.

Participation à la Towel Day Jam (Jour de la Serviette), en hommage aux œuvres de Douglas Adams. Texte et illustrations sous CC-BY-NC.

Doors: Happy Towel Day!

In order to optimally use this document, please bring a 32 sided die or a standard 32 card deck or print the included cards.

Submission to the Towel Day Jam, tribute to Douglas Adams' work. Text & illustrations released under CC-BY-NC license.


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In order to download this tribute you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.20 USD. You will get access to the following files:

PORTES__cartes_version-ecran.pdf 2.3 MB
PORTES__cartes_impressionA4.pdf 5.2 MB
DOORS__cards.pdf 2.3 MB
DOORS__cards_printerfriendlyA4.pdf 5.5 MB
AngelaQuidam-illustrations-Portes_CC-BY-NC.zip 24 MB

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review copies

[en] Curious and want to take a look? Claim a free review copy. I  trust you to fulfil the only "condition": give me your review, constructive criticism, rating, suggestions... Write your review in the comments section, rate the game with an explanation of your rating, or send me the link to the website where you reviewed my game. Thank you! Constructive reviews are important for designers, please take the time to review the games you read or play.

[fr] Curieux·se, tu veux jeter un œil? Télécharge un exemplaire gratuit. Je te fais confiance pour remplir la seule "condition": fais-moi un retour, écris une critique constructive, note le jeu, dis-moi tes suggestions... Écris dans les commentaires, évalue le jeu en expliquant ta note, ou envoie-moi le lien vers le site où se trouve ta critique. Merci! Les retours sont importants pour les designers, prends le temps de faire des retours pour les jeux que tu lis ou auxquels tu joues. ☺

community copies

[en] If you're marginalized or facing financial difficulty, please feel free to claim a free copy. Copies are limited but will grow bc I'll add another community copy for each purchased game.

[fr] Si vous ne pouvez pas acheter ce jeu, pour des raisons financières par exemple, n'hésitez pas à télécharger un des exemplaires gratuits. Un «exemplaire communautaire» supplémentaire sera ajouté au stock pour chaque jeu acheté.

Development log


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This is a fun idea with cute art.  For the English translation of the game, the card ranks should be K (for king) instead of R, Q (for queen) instead of D, J (for jack) instead of V, and A (for ace) instead of 1.  I would have liked to have had an A4 option for the full color version of the cards instead of having to choose between full color individual images or black & white A4 pages.  Also, it would be fun if you included an A4 page of cards with blanks where the numbers, words, and images should go, for people to add their own cards to the game if they wanted to throw in some more of their favorite Douglas Adams references or even expand the set to a full 52-card deck if they were feeling ambitious.


Doors is a a story-generating card game inspired by the works of Douglas Adams.

It's 42 pages, with a clean layout and great, charming illustrations.

Doors' focus is on evoking the same feeling as Adams' stories, and its cards are all dialed into that same sense of whimsy and cynicism. They're also all fairly specific, so you may want to mix in a few cards of your own if there's a specific genre of story you're looking to tell.

Overall, I'd recommend this on the strength of the artwork alone, but if you're a Douglas Adams fan, it's definitely also worth picking up. Doors nails the feeling of Adams' stories---a much harder feat than referencing them.