A downloadable game

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It's a game about random elements coming from a random list
It's a game about sci-fi-things, or maybe breath and mutated nothing. A game about no heroes.

Or maybe that's not really what you can call a game. It's something written without deleting anything, nor retourning back to add elements. This is a document I wrote on 6 columns (1 sheet), from the first thoughts and a random list, to an actual "micro-game".

I don't know how to present it, so here you can see a picture of this folded document. But of course I never printed it.

Begin typing, and continue typing until you reach the end. Which is to say: no backspace, no editing, no jumping back to insert something you should have put in earlier. Libre Baskerville Jam

but no more is here is under licence WTFPL (Do What The Fuck You Want to Public License)

CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Authordan qui dam
TagsBoard Game, Experimental, Narrative, Singleplayer, solo, Text based


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but-no-more-is-here-libre-baskerville-angela-quidam.pdf 90 kB

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