A downloadable game

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You do preventive archaeology.

You are called to places where there are plans for construction sites, to find out if there are any vestiges on the ground, and therefore to avoid destroying them. However... when there are interesting vestiges, it postpones (or cancels) the construction work.

→ Solo print and play cardgame + writting roleplaying game. 6 small pages to read,  page to print. Quick to play.

To play, you’ll need:

  • At least 1 diceor a coin
  • The 24 printed cards (print and play: 1 sheet!)
  • A pen and a blank paper sheet, or a computer

(note: I know that a pterosaurus fossil isn't subject of archaeology, but it was a cool thing i wanted to add into the game)


Tu fais de l’archéologie préventive.

On t’appelle sur des lieux où sont prévus des chantiers, pour savoir s’il y a des vestiges sur le terrain, et donc pour éviter de les détruire. Cependant… lorsqu’il y a des vestiges intéressants, cela reporte (ou annule) le chantier.

→ Jeu de carte solo pnp + jdr "épistolaire". 6 pages A5 à lire, 1 page A4 à imprimer. Partie rapide.

Pour jouer, il te faut:

  • 1 dé ou 1 pièce
  • Les 24 cartes imprimées et coupées (imprimables sur 1 feuille A4)
  • Un stylo et une feuille blanche, ou un ordi

(note: je sais qu'un fossile de ptérosaure n'est pas quelque chose que les archéologues étudient, mais c'était un élément sympa que je voulais ajouter à ce jeu... avant de finir mon prochain jeu qui sera plus proche de la paléontologie)

version 0.1 | text: cc-by license | illustrations: cc-by-nc-sa | 2019
CategoryPhysical game
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
Authordan qui dam
GenreCard Game
Tagsletter, Singleplayer, Tabletop role-playing game
Average sessionA few minutes
LanguagesEnglish, French


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

archeo-EN.pdf 887 kB
archeo-EN-cards.pdf 4.1 MB
archeo-VF.pdf 895 kB
archeo-VF-cartes.pdf 4.1 MB
Archeo-illustrations-by-AngelaQuidam_CC-BY-NC-SA.zip 5.7 MB

Development log


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super-interesting game. I used it for worldbuilding a scientist/archeologist faction in my game, very helpful for forming a base to work from as I interpreted the outcome as the starting point for the faction!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback! it's a great idea to use it for worldbuilding :)