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Bonjour! I love your newsletter and the Hermit's Club collection. :)

I made my first solo game, it's on my profile. I don't know if it's good enough to be included in your collection but just thought I'd let you know.

I'm making another game and I found your art assets, how should I credit you if I use them? How do I capitalise your name? Just checking what you'd prefer.

By the way, do you know of any solo RPG communities? I'd love to be able to keep up with what other people are doing or playing.

Thank you for reading!

(1 edit)

Hi! Your game is now part of the Hermit's Club collection 🐣 thanks for letting me know :)

You can credit me as "dan qui dam", no capital letter or all capital if that fits more the style of your game layout. Can't wait to see what you'll make with art packs (thanks for using them!)

I know about 2 solo-TTRPGs communities: the generic Lone Wolf Roleplaying on Discord or Reddit; and the itchio-focused Alone Together on Discord. If you're not using Discord or Reddit, I guess you can find communities elsewhere by looking for tags such as Soloclub or solottrpgs (or just look at the public Reddit page with a lot of resources and people (blogs) to discover )


Awesome, thank you so much for all the help! I think I'll have to join Discord, then, because I don't want to miss out on the itch-focused community!


Bonjour , Dan qui dam!!!

Je m'interrogeais sur l'absence de jeu estampillé PUSH ( de Cezar Capacle ) dans cet inventaire. Cette liste est-elle dédiée aux jeux exclusivement solo ou le systeme Push , qui permet de jouer aussi bien avec des amis qu'en solo ( les comptes rendus de mon camarade Longuefeuille sur nos travaux en français en sont la meilleure preuve ) , entre-t-il dans cette catégorie de jdr?

Et encore merci pour tous les rolistes esseulés qui peuvent revivre leur passion grace a cette liste...

Bonjour ! Je privilégie les jeux exclusivement pensés pour du solo mais je n'exclue pas ceux qui mentionnent explicitement des règles/sous-règles solo (dans la collection, je note "option solo" en commentaire sur ces jeux où le solo n'est que secondaire voire très annexe).

Je n'ai pas lu Push (ou bien j'ai oublié) mais si une option solo est intégrée, je vais y jeter un coup d'oeil et l'ajouter à la collection :) merci de l'avoir pointé !


Merci de ta réponse. Et pour ceux qui en douteraient ( du fait de pouvoir jouer push en solo ) , mon excellent confrère Longuefeuille a testé et nous avons mis en ligne sur certains templates que nous avons développé ses compte rendu de ses parties .

N'hésitez donc pas a jeter un oeil sur nos créations ( En garde monseigneur , Larguez les amarres , Wild Wild Push  , Pour le plaisir du risque , et dernièrement PUSHed into darknesss ).


Hello, I have a game that's suitable for the Hermit's Club Collection list: One Page HAVEN. I also know there's another game by someone else that would be good too: Celebrity Rat Trap. Both are on itchio and very different from one another. Thank you for keeping the list!


Thanks for telling me! 2 recent games added thanks to you!

Btw I'm fond of your squid baby art 💜


HAHA! Thank you! I really enjoyed drawing those promo images. I can only imagine what her other children must look like!

Is this the place to say that maybe my ghostbox/Mystery Mansion remix Dispatches from Whitecliff Manor should be on the Hermits Club Collection list?

That's a place which can be used for this :)

I'm pretty underwater currently on this collection (a few weeks late on the latest games to add) but yours is now in! Thanks for your comment!